Fun Fact About Brave the Dark

Date: NOVEMBER 1, 2021


Written by:

Lisbet Byler Lisbet Byler
brave the dark jared harris damian harris jamie harris

Did you know that not only did MAKE/FILMS very own Derek Dienner have family members working on the set of Brave The Dark, but one of our lead actors and Director of Photography did too?

Brave The Dark stars Jared Harris, known for his work in Chernobyl, Mad Men, The Crown, and Foundation. Jared's older brother, Damian Harris, directs the film and his younger brother, Jamie Harris, plays Barney, a Parole Office.

The film's Director of Photography, Julio Macat, A.S.C., known for his work on Home Alone, Wedding Crashers, and Pitch Perfect, worked alongside his son, Max Macat, who was his camera operator.

Brave the Dark is based on the real life story of Stan and Nate Deen. We were lucky enough to have the real life Nate join us on set everyday, along with his wife Jess Deen, who was the set medic.

All photos captured by Joseph Gidjunis


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