We’ve done a few similar projects like this in the past for Chicco so I knew going in that I wanted to make it feel similar to those. It was a very fast deliverable (15 seconds) so we needed moments that were quick yet effective. Any time you work with children on set you know there may be a few hiccups, but thanks to our pre production planning we were able to adapt and produce a great end product for our client!
Chicco partnered with MAKE/FILMS to create an online product video. This 15-second video highlights the key features of the Chicco Caddy Portable Hook-On Chair. We shot this product video with a lifestyle look to show parents how easy the product is to use in their everyday life.
Director: Aaron Dienner
Producer: Grace Wagner
Director of Photography: Steve Buckwalter
AC: Justin Swallow
Gaff/Grip: Seth Bortner
PA: Zacc Bangert + Jordan Velez
Hair + Makeup: Athena Benzel
BTS Photographer: Jordan Graff
Talent (mom): Deanna
Talent (dad): Nic Detorie
Talent (older kid): Callie
Talent (toddler): Charlie Clay
Talent (barista): Macaylah Mutchler
Location: Passenger Coffee & Tea Showroom
Produced by MAKE/FILMS